Here is how a Behavioral Assessment - Consultation - Training is conducted

Training a dog to adopt a new behavior or change an existing one is never a "quick fix." Many factors must work together to get as close to your desired outcome as possible.

Behavioral Assessment

At the first meeting, called a Behavioral Assessment, we begin our collaboration by thoroughly investigating your dog's current behavior and situation. The purpose of this assessment is to gain an in-depth understanding of the behavior you want to address and improve. We start with a detailed discussion where we jointly review the current situation, explore the causes behind the behavior, and identify your desired outcome for your dog. This provides a strong foundation for us to build upon when designing a personalized plan to reach your goals. During the Behavioral Assessment, we will discuss various aspects of your dog's behavior. We explore the underlying cause of the behavior, identify what triggers it, and how the behavior manifests. The assessment is a combination of theoretical knowledge and practical advice and tools. By deeply understanding your dog's behavior and working together towards your goals, we strive to create positive change and improvement for both you and your dog. After compiling all the necessary information from the behavioral assessment, we take the next step by conducting a Behavioral Analysis. This analysis is crucial for creating an effective plan that gets as close to your desired outcome as possible. By thoroughly examining these areas, we gain a deeper understanding of your dog's needs and situation, which in turn helps me create a tailored and effective plan to assist, manage, and help your dog achieve secure behaviors.

Behavioral Analysis
In the Behavioral Analysis and Training, we continue to focus on understanding and managing your dog's behavior effectively. We review the assessment of your dog's behavior and the customized action and training program that I propose for your dog's training. This action program will include concrete steps and strategies to manage and improve your dog's behavior in a positive way. We will also consider your individual needs and preferences when designing the program to ensure it suits both you and your dog. You will receive exercises and training tips specifically designed to suit you and your dog. I will be with you every step of the way, guiding both you and your dog through each exercise to ensure you feel confident and secure in the training. Throughout the process, I will be available for coaching and support. If you encounter any problems or have questions along the way, I will be there to provide the help and guidance you need. Together, we will work towards creating a more harmonious and happy relationship between you and your four-legged friend and improve your dog's behavior for a better quality of life for both of you.

Behavioral Training
During our behavioral training sessions, it is of utmost importance to continuously evaluate and adjust measures and training to ensure we reach your goals and help your dog in the best possible way. We do this by reflecting together on how we experience the training and how your dog responds to the measures and exercises we have worked on. If necessary, we revise our plan to get closer to your desired outcome and achieve the best possible results for your dog. If you feel that you have not reached your goals or are unsure how to continue the training, we will schedule as many follow-up sessions as you need. The goal is for you to feel confident in how to continue the training and how to handle different situations you and your dog may encounter.

Follow-up and evaluation are essential to ensure that you feel ready to continue the training with your dog on your own. During this concluding meeting, we evaluate the training and its results together. We review what has worked well and if there are areas where we can make further improvements. Together, we design a final action plan and training plan for your continued training with your dog. Even after our collaboration has ended, you are always welcome to reach out if you need further advice or support. Throughout the process, I will offer my support and coaching to ensure that you and your dog receive the help and guidance you need.

Included in Behavioral Training, Consultation, and Training:

  • Comprehensive written documentation of a personalized action plan, advice, and exercises.
  • Access to a training diary that you can easily update and fill in online.
  • Support and coaching throughout the process.

My goal is to ensure that you and your dog continue to make progress and thrive together even after our collaboration has ended.
