Individual training

Duration: 40 minutes
Cost: 600 SEK

Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: 800 SEK

Individual Training Package Price:
3 X Individual
training: 40 minutes 1500 SEK

3 X Individual training: 60 minutes 2100 SEK
5 X Individual training: 40 minutes 2500 SEK
5 X Individual training: 60 minutes 3500 SEK

To book a Individual Training, Consultation  please contact me via email at or
phone at +46 (0) 70 300 86 01.

Individual Training- Tailored Training for Dogs of All Ages

I offer a customized training plan specifically designed for both you and your dog, whether your dog is a puppy or an adult. The focus is on strengthening your relationship while shaping desired behaviors and developing skills. All training is based on principles of positive reinforcement and is relationship-oriented, ensuring each session provides both you and your dog with a positive experience. By creating a safe and stimulating environment, I aim to offer challenges that are suitable and tailored for you, so you can grow and develop together in the best possible way.

Benefits of Individual Training

Individual training offers several advantages that help both you and your dog achieve your training goals effectively and in a personalized manner. Firstly, individual training allows for tailored exercises and focus areas specific to your dog's personality, skills, and challenges. This means you can concentrate on the areas that need the most work and create a training plan perfect for you.

Customized Exercises and Focus Areas

Throughout the training, we build the foundation for your cooperation and practice various behaviors useful in everyday life. Additionally, you receive tips on how to avoid common problematic behaviors through training. During individual training, you and your dog also receive my full attention as an instructor, providing feedback and advice that are entirely tailored to your needs and situation. This leads to efficient training where you can focus on resolving specific issues or improving particular skills, resulting in faster progress and more sustainable outcomes.

A Safe and Trusting Environment

Furthermore, individual training creates a safe and trusting environment where both you and your dog can feel comfortable exploring and developing together. This promotes cooperation and builds a stronger bond between you, which is crucial for achieving your shared goals. By working together towards these goals, individual training can be a powerful tool to strengthen the bond between you and your dog while reaching new training levels.

Practical Training and Exercises

Through practical training and exercises, the focus is on strengthening your relationship and creating harmony in various situations. The training is carefully designed to address common challenges with your dog and aims to strengthen and improve some of the most fundamental behaviors for everyday life with your dog. Through practical exercises and training, my individual training strives to create a more harmonious and reliable relationship between you and your dog. The focus is also on practicing to reduce the risk of your dog developing problematic behaviors.

Customized Training to Your Preferences

The training is tailored to your preferences and goals to suit you perfectly. By creating a customized training plan, we can ensure that you and your dog get the most out of your training, leading to a safer, happier, and more harmonious everyday life together.

Welcome to a training experience where safety, joy, and cooperation are at the center, and where we together lay the foundation for a harmonious everyday life with your dog!
