Everyday Obedience
I offer various Everyday Obedience courses:

  • Everyday Obedience – 5 sessions
    Each session lasts approximately 1.5 hours.
    Number of participants: Minimum 2 and maximum 6 dogs.
    Course fee: 1900 SEK

  • Triple Everyday Obedience – 3 sessions
    Each session lasts approximately 1.5 hours.
    Course fee: 1600 SEK

  • Intensive Everyday Obedience – 2 sessions
    Each session lasts approximately 2.5 hours.
    Course fee: 1600 SEK

Number of participants: Minimum 2 and maximum 6 dogs.
Welcome to sign up and create a harmonious everyday life with your dog!

Build a Solid Foundation for a Secure Everyday Life with Your Dog

Everyday Training is about integrating small, simple exercises into your and your dog's daily routines. It’s a type of training that helps you and your dog cooperate and communicate smoothly in everyday life, creating a harmonious relationship and a dog that feels safe and balanced in different situations. Everyday training doesn't require much time but yields significant results and can prevent many common behavior problems.

What is Everyday Training?
Everyday training involves taking advantage of the natural opportunities that arise throughout the day to practice important skills. It can be simple things like sitting before going out the door, waiting their turn at the food bowl, or maintaining focus on you during walks. These small moments contribute to reinforcing the behaviors you want to see more of and help your dog feel more confident in everyday situations.

Why is Everyday Training Important?
Through everyday training, your dog learns to listen to your cues even in situations where there are distractions. It strengthens your relationship and creates a more cooperative and well-behaved dog. Dogs thrive on routine and predictability, and when you train consistently and calmly in daily life, your dog will feel more secure knowing what is expected.

Moreover, everyday training is a way to keep your dog mentally stimulated and engaged. Dogs need both physical and mental stimulation to be healthy, and with simple daily exercises, you can meet both of these needs.

Key Areas for Everyday Training
Here are a few areas where you can easily integrate training into your daily routine:

  1. Self-Control: Training self-control is a key part of everyday training. This might involve your dog sitting and waiting by the door before going outside, waiting for an "okay" before eating, or letting you go first through doors. This helps your dog become calmer and more focused, especially in situations where they might otherwise get excited or stressed.
  2. Focus and Walking on a Loose Leash: Walks are an excellent opportunity for everyday training. Train your dog to maintain contact with you and follow your cues instead of pulling on the leash. Reward every time your dog looks at you or walks by your side. This strengthens your communication and creates a more peaceful walk.
  3. Recall: Recall is one of the most important signals a dog can learn, and everyday training is a perfect opportunity to practice it. Train recall every day, even indoors or in the yard. Use a happy and positive tone and reward generously when your dog comes to you. Make recall a fun and rewarding experience so that your dog always wants to come when called.
  4. Wait and Stay: Being able to ask your dog to wait or stay is useful in many everyday situations, like at crosswalks or when meeting other dogs. Start practicing this in calm environments and gradually increase the difficulty by introducing more distractions. Be sure to reward your dog for staying until you give a clear signal to move again.
  5. Handling and Grooming: Everyday training isn't just about your dog listening to your cues; it’s also about getting your dog used to different types of handling that will be necessary throughout life. Clipping nails, brushing fur, or checking ears and teeth are things your dog needs to get used to early on. By practicing these things daily in calm, short sessions, you make it a positive experience for your dog. Each time you handle your dog during these grooming routines, reward them with praise or a treat to reinforce positive associations.

Everyday training is a simple and effective method for creating a harmonious relationship with your dog. By using the natural opportunities that arise in daily life to train, you can build desirable behaviors without it feeling like formal training. The key is to be consistent, patient, and always reward positive behavior. With regular everyday training, you’ll not only have an obedient dog but also strengthen your relationship and create a life full of positive experiences together.

Course Structure

The course structure varies depending on the start date and needs. To ensure that all participants receive the personal attention they need, I limit the number of dogs per course to 6. This allows for individual coaching and training tailored to you and your dog. The courses are held outdoors in a calm and safe learning environment that promotes your dog’s development.

The Whole Family Is Welcome

Since your dog is part of the family, all family members are warmly welcome to participate in the course at no extra cost. This gives everyone the opportunity to learn more about creating a secure and harmonious relationship with the dog.

Examples of Course Content:

  • Calmness and relaxation: Teach your dog to relax both at home and in new environments.
  • Environmental training: Introduce your dog to different environments and situations to build confidence and security.
  • Positive handling (fear-free): Train your dog to be handled in a way that minimizes stress, especially during vet visits.
  • Confident dog meetings: Create positive experiences when meeting other dogs.
  • Stay: Teach your dog to stop and stay on command.
  • Breaking unwanted behaviors in a positive way: Use positive methods to replace unwanted behaviors with better alternatives.
  • Leash training: Train your dog to walk nicely on a leash and follow you with motivation.
  • Recall: Practice getting your dog to come quickly and happily when called, even with distractions.
  • Mental stimulation: Challenge your dog with fun and stimulating activities.
  • Socialization: Teach your dog to interact positively with other dogs and people.

Why Take an Everyday Obedience Course?

An everyday obedience course is an excellent way to strengthen the relationship between you and your dog while developing essential skills for a harmonious everyday life. Through the course, you’ll learn to communicate better with your dog, leading to smoother cooperation in various situations. Whether it’s during walks, encounters with other dogs, or handling at the vet, both you and your dog will become more confident and secure.

Everyday obedience also helps prevent unwanted behaviors by giving you the tools to replace them with positive alternatives. Regular training and mental and physical activation make your dog more balanced and calm in daily life. The training also provides important socialization opportunities, allowing your dog to practice meeting other dogs and people in controlled settings.

An everyday obedience course builds a stronger bond between you and your dog, based on trust and cooperation. It equips both of you to face everyday challenges in a secure and positive way. In short, an everyday obedience course is an important step in giving your dog a balanced and happy life while creating a deeper and more harmonious relationship.

When Can You Start?

You can start the everyday obedience course when your dog is 6 months or older. At this age, your dog is ready to learn and handle the basic skills that everyday obedience focuses on. Whether you have a young or adult dog, it’s never too late to build on the basics and strengthen your relationship. Everyday obedience helps your dog develop confidence in various situations and provides you with the tools for a harmonious everyday life together.

I Offer Various Course Options:

  • Everyday Obedience – 5 sessions: Each session lasts approximately 1.5 hours.
  • Triple Everyday Obedience – 3 sessions: Each session lasts approximately 1.5 hours.
  • Intensive Everyday Obedience – 2 sessions: Each session lasts approximately 2.5 hours.

Training takes place in a calm outdoor location to create a secure environment for the dogs. Participants also receive access to digital theory material and exercises.

The Course Fee Includes Two Digital Handbooks

When you sign up for an everyday obedience course, you will receive two digital handbooks with theory and exercises to help you get the most out of the course, both during the lessons and at home.

Everyday Obedience Handbook

This handbook is a comprehensive guide that provides you with the tools and knowledge you need to train your dog in a safe and ethical way. It covers everything from basic training to ethical principles, including how to build a strong bond with your dog through reward-based methods. You will learn important skills such as recall, leash training, and handling, while gaining insights into how to use short training sessions and provide rest to avoid overstimulation. The handbook also offers tips on how to mentally stimulate your dog through various challenging exercises.

Exercise Booklet

The exercise booklet contains all the exercises we go through during the course, as well as bonus material for continued training at home. The booklet is an easy-to-understand guide focused on reward-based training and positive reinforcement, with exercises that help you and your dog work on essential skills such as leash manners, contact exercises, and handling. You’ll also get tools to mentally stimulate your dog and strengthen your bond through playful training.


After you and your dog have completed the everyday obedience course, you will receive a certificate as proof of having undergone basic training. The certificate is a nice testament to your commitment and progress together.

Why Choose Everyday Obedience?

An everyday obedience course is not just a way to train your dog – it’s an opportunity to strengthen your relationship and build a secure and harmonious cooperation in everyday life. By understanding your dog’s needs and communicating clearly with positive reinforcement, you shape sustainable behaviors that help your dog become confident and balanced. Invest in training that improves both your and your dog’s quality of life – together we’ll build a strong relationship that lasts a lifetime!

Everyday Obedience as Individual Training

If you want maximum focus on your dog and your specific needs, I also offer individual training. This training format is perfect for those who want tailored exercises and personal coaching that take into account your unique situation. Individual training gives you and your dog the opportunity to work toward your goals at your own pace.

Registration and More Information

For detailed information on upcoming courses, including location, number of sessions, and cost, please see the description under upcoming courses or contact me directly.

I look forward to helping you and your dog continue developing and strengthening your relationship into a secure and harmonious team!
