General Terms and Conditions

  • Behavior
  • Assessment
  • Consulting Training

Please note that these terms are only applicable to purchases with Michael Rudkrantz. For questions regarding invoices or payments, please send an email to

General Terms and Conditions Behavior Assessment – Consulting – Training


For individuals: All prices listed include VAT.
For businesses and organizations: I offer quote-based pricing. As a starting point, the prices listed below are used, which are exclusive of VAT. If you have any questions about pricing or would like to request a quote for your business or organization, please contact me at or by phone at 070-300 86 01 for more information.
For questions regarding invoices or payments, please send an email to

Behavior Assessment - Follow-up with Behavior Analysis - Behavior Training

Behavior Assessment

  • Duration: 90 minutes

Follow-up with Behavior Analysis

  • Duration: 60 minutes

Behavior Training

  • Duration: 40 minutes

Cost: The current cost is available on the website and in the booking confirmation.

Additional fees for Behavior Assessment:

  • After 18:00: An additional fee of 200 SEK per hour.
  • Overtime fee: For Behavior Assessment, 250 SEK is charged for every 20-minute period of overtime, billed afterward.

Post-meeting measures: After our meeting, written actions and a training plan will be sent via email for your convenience.

Behavior Assessment - Trauma/PTSD Diagnosis - Follow-up with Behavior Analysis - Behavior Training

The assessment consists of two parts:

  • Behavior Assessment: 90 minutes
  • Trauma/PTSD Diagnosis: 30 minutes

Behavior Assessment

  • Duration: 90 minutes

Trauma/PTSD Diagnosis

  • Duration: 30 minutes

Follow-up with Behavior Analysis

  • Duration: 60 minutes

Behavior Training

  • Duration: 40 minutes

Cost: The current cost is available on the website and in the booking confirmation.

Additional fees for Behavior Assessment - Trauma/PTSD Diagnosis:

  • After 18:00: An additional fee of 200 SEK per hour.
  • Overtime fee: For Behavior Assessment - Trauma/PTSD Diagnosis, 250 SEK is charged for every 20-minute period of overtime, billed afterward.

Post-meeting measures: After our meeting, written actions and a training plan will be sent via email for your convenience.

Behavior Training

Duration: 40 or 60 minutes.

Cost: The current cost is available on the website and in the booking confirmation.

Additional fees for Behavior Training:

  • After 18:00: An additional fee of 200 SEK per hour.
  • Overtime fee: For Behavior Training, 250 SEK is charged for every 20-minute period of overtime, billed afterward.

Post-meeting measures: After our meeting, written actions and a training plan will be sent via email for your convenience.

Phone Consulting

Duration: 20 or 60 minutes

Cost: The current cost is available on the website and in the booking confirmation.

Additional fees for Phone Consulting:

  • After 18:00: An additional fee of 150 SEK per hour for phone consulting.
  • Overtime fee: For phone consulting, 100 SEK is charged for every 20-minute period of overtime.

Post-meeting measures: You take notes of the advice given during the call, and a list of actions will be emailed to you afterward for your convenience.

Online Consulting

Duration: 30 or 60 minutes

Cost: The current cost is available on the website and in the booking confirmation.

Additional fees for Online Consulting:

  • After 18:00: An additional fee of 150 SEK per hour for online consulting.
  • Overtime fee: For online consulting, 100 SEK is charged for every 20-minute period of overtime.

Post-meeting measures: After our meeting, written actions and a training plan will be sent via email for your reference and continued use.


Payment is to be made in advance when booking a session or purchasing a service. For invoice payments, a reminder fee of 50 SEK is added for each reminder sent in case of late payment. After the due date, which is 30 days from the invoice date, a monthly late fee of 24% of the invoice amount is added. After two reminders, the matter is sent to debt collection, where a fee of 180 SEK is added for the collection demand. If payment is still not received, the case will be forwarded to the enforcement authority.

Terms for Package Prices

When booking a service with a package price, no refund is given if not all sessions are utilized once any part of the service has commenced. The services within the package price are valid for 12 months from the date the service was booked. After this period, the service is considered used, and no refund will be given.

Terms and Cancellation

Booking of Behavior Assessment – Consulting - Training can be made via the booking page at www.michaelrudkrantz.seor by phone at 070-300 86 01. Your appointment is confirmed once you have received a booking confirmation via email. Cancellation or rescheduling must be made at least 24 hours before the scheduled appointment. For cancellations made less than 24 hours before the scheduled appointment or in case of no-show, the full fee may be charged.



In case of delay, the customer must notify via phone at 070-300 86 01 before the service begins. If the delay is not notified before the service starts, the service is considered used if the customer does not show up within 5 minutes after the agreed time. In such cases, no refund or replacement session will be given.


Travel Costs

For bookings outside the regular work area, travel costs apply. This also applies to the booking of an instructor outside their regular business area. The travel cost is calculated based on the instructor's regular business area and is 300 SEK per started half-hour and 25 SEK per mile, as well as any additional costs such as congestion charges and parking fees. Price information is provided upon request.

Copyright Protection and Non-Sharing of Material for Behavior Assessment – Consulting – Training with Michael Rudkrantz 

By using the services Behavior Assessment – Consulting – Training with Michael Rudkrantz, you confirm that all materials shared are protected by copyright and belong to the respective rights holders. By accepting these general terms and conditions, you agree to comply with copyright laws and not share the material with third parties without the explicit permission of the rights holder.

1. Copyright Protection
All materials, including texts, images, videos, audio recordings, and other creative works provided, are protected by copyright. You acknowledge that these materials are owned by the respective rights holders and that you do not have the right to use, copy, distribute, or otherwise exploit the material without the rights holder's permission.
2. Non-Sharing

You agree not to share any of the materials provided during Behavior Assessment – Consulting – Training with third parties without written permission from the rights holder. This means you may not copy, distribute, publish, or otherwise transfer the material to other persons, organizations, or digital platforms without permission.
3. Responsibility

You are responsible for keeping the material confidential and secure. You must take all reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized access, copying, or distribution of the material. If you suspect that the material has been shared without permission, you must immediately notify the rights holder and take the necessary steps to limit the distribution.

By using the services Behavior Assessment – Consulting – Training with Michael Rudkrantz and accepting these general terms and conditions, you confirm that you understand and accept that all materials shared are protected by copyright and must not be shared with third parties without permission. Violation of these terms may result in legal action according to applicable legislation.

Right of Withdrawal

According to Swedish consumer protection law, you as a private consumer have the right to withdraw within 14 days of your purchase. This period is counted from the day you ordered or booked the service we provide. Your right of withdrawal is forfeited if you start a booked service within these 14 days.
To exercise your right of withdrawal, you should send a letter to:
Michael Rudkrantz, Nypongränd 1, 135 37 Tyresö.

The letter should contain the following information:

  • The current date the letter was written
  • Indication of the product or service you are withdrawing from
  • Date of purchase
  • Cost of the service
  • Your name
  • Your address, postal code, city, email address, and phone number
  • Signature and name in print

This letter must be sent before the withdrawal period of 14 days has expired. Upon approval of a valid right of withdrawal, the full amount for the service will be refunded. The refund will be made without unnecessary delay, no later than 30 days after the withdrawal has been approved.

If you wish to make a complaint about a Behavior Assessment – Consulting - Training, your right of withdrawal will be forfeited if the service has started within the 14 days. It is your responsibility to prove that you have exercised your right of withdrawal in time. In case of any dispute, we follow the recommendations of the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes and the law on distance contracts and contracts outside business premises (2005:59).

Law on Supervision of Dogs and Cats

According to the law on supervision of dogs and cats (law 2007:1150), you as a dog owner are always fully responsible for your dog's actions and behavior. This responsibility extends to all situations where your dog is present, including during courses, behavior assessments, or private training.

It is important to understand that under this law, you are responsible for ensuring that your dog does not cause harm or inconvenience to other people, animals, or property. If your dog causes damage or an accident, it is your dog insurance that steps in to cover any costs and damages. This legislation is in place to ensure a safe environment for everyone, and it is therefore of utmost importance that you as a dog owner always keep your dog under control and take responsibility for its actions.

Safety during Behavior Training

  • Follow my instructions: Follow my instructions carefully to ensure that the training is safe for your dog, yourself, and me. If my safety instructions are not followed, the training will be immediately stopped.
  • Keep distance: Ensure a safe distance between your dog, me, and if I have my own training dog, to avoid confrontations.
  • During home visits: Never let your dog approach me before I say it is okay.
  • Use a leash and harness: Always keep your dog on a leash and use a secure harness that the dog cannot escape from.
  • Safe equipment: Ensure that all equipment, such as collars, leashes, and harnesses, is safe and in good condition to prevent the dog from getting loose.
  • Muzzle: If the dog has previously bitten, use a muzzle to prevent any biting incidents. Train the use of the muzzle separately (contact me if you need tips on how).
  • Ask: Rather ask too many questions if you feel unsure.
  • Training termination: I reserve the right to stop the training if safety is not followed or if aversive methods are used with your dog.

If my instructions or safety routines are not followed, or if aversive methods are used, the training will be immediately stopped. This decision is made to ensure the safety of the dog, owner, and trainer. No refund will be given in these cases.

Other Conditions

To ensure a safe and healthy environment during our meeting, the following conditions apply:

  • Vaccination: Your dog must be vaccinated according to the Swedish Kennel Club's (SKK) recommendations during our meeting. This is to minimize the risk of infectious diseases and ensure all dogs' health and well-being.
  • Bitches in heat: Bitches in heat are always welcome at our meetings, but to ensure a harmonious atmosphere, they should avoid attending during the most intense days of heat, known as the high heat. If you know your dog is about to go into heat or has already started, please contact me so that we can adjust our meeting accordingly.
  • Sick or injured dog: If your dog is sick or injured, it is important that you notify me before the meeting so that we can make an appropriate assessment of the situation and possibly reschedule the meeting. Participating in activities with a sick or injured dog can not only worsen its condition but also pose a risk to other dogs and participants. We always prioritize your dog's health and well-being, so it is important that we consider its needs and possible limitations. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
  • Treatment of the dog: We value a positive and respectful relationship between you and your dog. Treat your dog in a loving and respectful manner during our meeting. Aversive behavior, such as physical punishment, shouting, or scaring methods, is not tolerated. These methods can harm the dog's well-being and deteriorate the relationship between you. We encourage the use of reward-based training and positive reinforcement to promote desired behavior in your dog.

These conditions are in place to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants at our meeting. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

Force Majeure

Force Majeure, such as war, extensive labor conflict, blockade, fire, environmental disaster, serious infectious disease, or other circumstances beyond the control of the party and preventing the party from fulfilling their obligations, exempts the party from these. Such exemption applies provided that the business cannot be conducted under these conditions. The counterparty shall be immediately informed of circumstances that may apply to this provision.
